
Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Program

Delivering positive impacts for farmer communities and the environment at the origins of our vegetables and spices.

What is responsible sourcing
and why it matters

Responsible Sourcing means ensuring the respect of ethical standards, enhancing biodiversity, and reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices, along supply chains. It supports advancements in the human and environmental health of farming communities, while improving their livelihoods and contributing to GHG emissions reduction.

The Responsible Sourcing Program for Vegetables and Spices was created to support Nestlé in achieving its commitments towards zero-net emissions, enhanced livelihoods and mitigated environmental impact in the communities that are directly connected to its business activities, fostering a better future for us all.


Creating shared value



Supporting biodiverse and environmentally sustainable farms



Enabling safe living conditions, minimum wages and no-child labor



Fostering resilient livelihoods and profitable farms







Supply Chains






Three Pillars of the RSP


To identify the origin of the ingredients and understand the supply chain’s structure and composition.

Ethical Standard

To uncover potential gaps with respects to Nestlé’s ethical standards and ensure those gaps lead to improvement activities.


To support Nestlé’s suppliers and their farms’ base in the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices.

What stakeholders are saying

“Conesa is aware of the need to work in reducing CO2 emissions, to maintain a balance for agriculture that is competitive and sustainable. The Responsible Sourcing Program is a fundamental initiative for us to achieve these objectives. Therefore, we are working with Nestlé and our farmers on this initiative in two lines: improvement plans for agronomic management and biodiversity actions.”

Manuel Vazquez Calleja – Director General Conesa, Spain

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“It is very important for Olam to participate in Nestlé’s Responsible Sourcing Program, to help us not only to understand our customer's sustainability requirements but also in contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Community assessments as part of the program are helping us to evaluate and focus on priority areas with a clear action plan for capacity building and infrastructure requirements for our growers. By combining the efforts of all stakeholders, we believe that we can create a positive impact in our spices supply chains at scale.”

S. Chandrasekhar, Business Head, Olam India-Spices

“We have reached important achievements in regenerative agriculture under the RSP, such as the reduction of fertilization and its transformation into organic with the application of organic matter; we have also studied different mixtures of cover crops and finally one of the most important things with climate change is the efficient use of water through new sensorization techniques”.

Pablo Da Rold, Site Director, CropMonliz, Spain.

"Thanks to the Responsible Sourcing Program we have invested in robots for weeding and sowing which work with sun power. We also use drons for spraying because this way we can reduce the use of pesticides as much as half of the dose we used before entering the Program."

Marko Bojin, Sustainable Manager, Geneza, Serbia.

“We are involved in Child Education Programs where we are promoting girls to have a proper schooling rather than moving away from the educational system. It's not only the produce we care about, but also the living standards of the farmers and their families that are supported and uplifted with the Responsible Sourcing Program."

— Anilkumar Kannan, VicePresident, Paras, India

“Our company is very keen on sustainability, so we are aligning our corporate sustainability program with the RSP, touching upon key aspects such as afforestation in key areas while involving several schools, the implementation of solar traps aiming to reduce pesticides applications, and elevating farming living standards and schooling for children in the area.

— Anub, Procurement team, Synthite, India